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Maloney Line Markers and Test Stations

Maloney LineMRKR™ Line Markers

Malony’s LineMRKR™ Line Markers have a Polyethelene Dome for a “Full-View”, Zero-Maintenance and Pipeline-Tough.


LineMRKR™ Main Functions

1. Right of Way Line Marker LineMRKR™ Line Markers for pipeline and utilities are used to indicate the location of a buried pipeline, cable, conduit, etc.

  • To help construction crews avoid accidentally damaging them.
  • To warn the general public that there is a buried pipeline or utility in the area, and
  • To identify the owner.

2. Vents Vents are used to vent the crossing casing to the atmosphere to help maintain conditions for optimum cathodic protection.

3. Test Stations Test Stations are used to monitor the effectiveness of the cathodic protection program.

LineMrkr™ Advantages

Line Marker Head Variations

Maloney LineMRKRs are made of ultraviolet-stabilized High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) to inhibit fading and warping from exposure to the elements. And unlike painted metal signs, they will not absorb water, peel, or rust. LineMRKR samples were tested by an independent testing laboratory according to the procedures in Federal (Military) Test Standard 191A, Method 5804, “Accelerated Severe Weathering Test.” As a result of these tests, Maloney offers a limited 25-year warranty on the LineMRKR product line.

Easy Installation
Simply bury the base of the support post in the ground. An anchor tube, perpendicular to the support post in the buried portion of the post, prevents twisting or removal without completely excavating the LineMRKR.

High Visibility
LineMRKR fittings are available in vivid colors selected to stand out in any background environment. Its 3-1/2″ O.D. tubular design is highly visible from any angle as well as from the air. Optional fluorescent fittings increase visibility from any sight plane. Text messages are hot-stamped for durability into the fittings, not screen-printed or stenciled with an extra unique u-v clear coat to add longevity to print.

Virtually No Maintenance
Because LineMRKRs require no maintenance, their purchase assures low cost over the life of the installation.

Non-Metallic Construction
The HDPE construction is non-conductive and will not spark when struck. This eliminates the possibility of spark ignition, fire or explosion in hazardous combustible locations.

Wind Resistance
The tubular configuration makes the Maloney LineMRKR less susceptible to “wind whip” – a common problem with 2-dimensional metal signs and other flat markers which have a large “footprint” in the wind.

Malony LineMRKR™ Line Markers are Durable with high visablity

View Our Full Range of Line Markers and Test Stations

As a dedicated manufacturer of line marker products, we offer customized line markers and test stations to meet your specific requirements.

Zoomed View of Maloney LineMRKR


Zero-Maintenance, Pipeline-Tough Line Markers

QuickSnap Line Marker

QuickSnap Line Marker

Maloney QuickSnap® Line Marker Heads show we have our heads in the right place.

Maloney Test Stations and Vent Heads

Test stations/Vent Heads

Zero-Maintenance, Pipeline-Tough Test Stations

Maloney Phantom Splice / Test Station

Phantom Splice/Test Station

The Beauty of the new Maloney V3 Phantom Splice/Test Station is that nobody (except you) will notice it.

Maloney Flatliner Line Marker

Flatliner Line Marker

Durable & Flexible Fiberglass Utility Marker for Two-Sided View

Product Nominal O.D. Length
    1. Fitting 3-3/4″ 18″
    2. Support Post 3-1/2 72″
B. Test Station/LineMRKR Combination
    1. Test Station Fitting 3-3/4″ 18″
    2. Support Post 3-1/2 72″
C. Vent Pipes
   1. Vent Fitting 4″ 20-1/4″
   2. Support Post 3-1/2″ 72″
   3. Sleeve 3-3/4″ 15″
D. Anchor Tube 7/8″ 9″

* Support posts can be supplied in custom lengths, length shown is standard.

Components are mechanically riveted with stainless steel rivets. Maloney LineMRKRS are supplied to meet DOT standards. Line Markers 195.410 and Line Markers for Mains and Transmission Lines 192.707.

line marker and test stations diagram